Connecting Mobile Android Device to Bluetooth adapter

1. Locate the Bluetooth adapter and turn the adapter "on". 

2. Enable Bluetooth on your device.

3. On the device, search for and connect to the Bluetooth adapter.

Login to FuelMor Driver App

1. Tap on FuelMor icon to open the Driver App.

2. Enter your Company Code provided by your administrator.

3. Tap Next.

4. Enter the driver Username.

5. Enter the driver password.

6. Tap Login.

Connect to Truck Meter Register

1. Login to FuelMor Driver App.

2. Tap on View in the register window.

3. Tap on + located in upper right corner.

4. Tap on Bluetooth.

5. Tap Next.

6. Tap on the truck Bluetooth adapter.

7. Enter a name for register (any name is fine).

8. Select register model.

9. Enter 250 into address.

10. Tap vertical dots.

11. Tap"Test Connection".

12. Pop up window reads: Connection successful.

13. Tap on Close.

14. Tap on check mark top right screen.

15. Tap on the register just created.

16. Green label active appears.

17. Tap on check mark to complete.