1. Click on Customers.

2. Click on Search.

3. Click on Name and select search filter, e.g., Name, Account#,
  Phone or Address. Enter search phrase in Search field. Click on Search.

4. Click on desired search result.

5. Click on Locations

6. Click on Actions / New Location

7.  "Number" is auto assigned or you may enter a number that is not presently in use
with this location.
"Zone" is chosen from drop down. Zones are created in Global Settings.
"Delivery Method" is chosen from the drop down.
"Delivery instructions" can include such things as property gate code, etc. The information in the Delivery instructions is viewed in the Driver App for this location.
"Address 1"and "Address 2" are address fields where the fuel will be delivered. These address may or may not be same address as the Customer address.
  "City", "State", "Zip code" must be entered.

     "Fuel Product" is selected from drop down. Items in this drop down are controlled in Global Settings /
Charge items.

      "Alternative Customer name" is name that is associated with this Location. Use this field to enter name that        is different from the Customer name.
     "Attachments" can be browsed to and uploaded to Location. Such uses are for maps, location photos, etc.             These are  also available for the driver to view in the Driver App.

8. Click on Create Location